All good, and I love your thoughts and share your views, but did you bury the lede on purpose? For me, the last items on this list — #22 and #23 — should be first. Those fools using lawn ornaments as torches are just hitching a ride on the monstrous machine you so rightly identify. Still, if they have awakened anyone to the presence of our system’s injustices, that could be helpful.
And by the way, with respect to some of the comments, I agree, of course, that what we have generously called “white culture” IS toxic. Most of the time, when people talk about “culture,” it’s code for something else. More plainly, what the white supremacists and nationalists are grasping at when they say they want to “preserve white culture” is that they want to preserve the ability of white people to set all the terms of interaction in the public space, with the force of legislation, money, and disenfranchisement of others. That’s all — they just want to remain the dominant people, and they say it pretty clearly. Culture? They wouldn’t know culture if it met them in the road. They just toss that out there, because progressives love to talk about culture and other bright shiny things, and it distracts them from everything else.
Keep the faith, Ms. Johnstone.