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My Doctor Fired Me

Right before I fired HIM

7 min readAug 14, 2023


I’m ambivalent about doctoring these days. I go to doctors when I have to, but I wish I didn’t have to, because most of the time I’m going for chronic conditions, and those treatments are a total crap shoot — might help; might not. And the doctors won’t predict, or even guess, about your chances; have you noticed?

“What are the chances this will help, Doc? 50%? 75%? Give me an estimate; that’s all I’m asking…” They will not commit, for fear that you’ll come back with an attorney or something and criticize their math.

But it’s a 100% chance that the doctor’s practice will bill your insurance company, or Medicare, or both, every single visit, whether you feel better, or worse, or you’re dead.

But that’s only if everybody does things the American Health Care Way — which means billing for actual provider visits, measured in standard increments. Not for actual health care. If you don’t want to do things the American Health Care Way, look out.

Your doctor might fire you.

But that’s all right — I learned you can fire them right back.

When I mysteriously developed lupus a couple of years ago, I was referred to this personable, confident rheumatologist who said he could help with the…



Rev Dr Sparky
Rev Dr Sparky

Written by Rev Dr Sparky

Preaching real real/igion for real people and courage in the face of absurdity. Follow me into the wilderness on TikTok at

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