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RevDrSparky on TikTok. Unplugged.

Because reasons.

Rev Dr Sparky
4 min readAug 22, 2022


I’m getting ready to come back on Medium, with twice the snark and triple the urgency, since I have now completed a breakneck year as an interim minister and am freed up to speak out to all you kids — we’re all children of God, so we’re all kids — about the great need for strong souls in the years soon to come.

But I’m now taking up a new role entirely. I’ve been Preacher (i.e., blogger), Pastor, and Priest. Now it’s time to level up to Prophet.

But for that, you need a platform — one that’s immediate, timely, and not necessarily linear and verbal. In other words, something not native to me.

Well, crap.

Some of the all-time prophets smeared themselves with dung, ate locusts, dressed in loin cloths made of itchy camel hides, and baptized people in the dirty waters of the ancient rivers. All I had to do was learn enough about another medium, namely TikTok, to post my pithy, hard-earned wisdom to an audience of nonbelievers, unbelievers, seekers, and others for whom church had become a toxic place they wished to avoid at all costs.

So I’m doing likewise: God help me, I’m posting my Divine Prophetic Wisdom on the venal and chaotic TikTok platform as, of course, RevDrSparky would.



Rev Dr Sparky

Preaching real real/igion for real people and courage in the face of absurdity. Follow me into the wilderness on TikTok at