Thanks very much for your comments and the book recommendation — it sounds fascinating to me. If indeed our worldview is formed that early (and I am quite willing to believe that is so), then it is certainly a tall order to expect us to understand one another.
I was actually told I was born face-first — not leading with the crown, which makes everything easier on both baby and mother, but leading with my face all smooshed up and apparently way to eager to get going (LOL). I may even title my memoir, “Born Face First.” But I hope to find out more about what it all means.
As for whether or not we choose our lives for rational or irrational reasons, I do like the term “arational” and I will probably use it going forward. (Thank you, Alexandra!) It would probably be good for all of us to drop the universal pretense that we are rational beings all the time. I bet we’d be amazed at the energy we free up that way.
Each new understanding — what a gift.