Well said, and gladly received in my corner of the world.
I have long chafed under the dogmatic language I heard about Jesus, and it pushed me away for years.
Finally I have come to realize that those who proselytize most strongly also often make the error of trying to explain everything. If someone has not yet been free to experience the mind of Christ, simply repeating cherry-picked scripture over and over won’t help them. (It’s just like when you’re playing Pictionary, and you’re drawing, and people aren’t getting the word, so all you do is keep pointing to the drawing that’s NOT working, harder and harder until you ruin the marker tip, instead of drawing something else, for heaven’s sake.)
For me, what has been lost in latter years is the central mystery and paradox that underlies the Christian story: A being fully human, and fully god, with the message that we too could become so. The kin-dom of God breaking into the world, here now and yet to come. The truth that living a Christlike life might require making the ultimate sacrifice for others. Stuff like that.
Everybody wants to explain the arguments. Few want to live the example and be content that they do NOT know all of the mysteries.
So…thanks for sharing your views with humility and candor.
Keep the faith!